LoveBabz LoveTalk | Africa Salon

"AFRICA SALON is an exciting celebration of African arts and culture through unique discussions, screenings, fashion shows, parties, and performances, featuring some of the most consequential artists from the continent and diaspora. This year’s salo…

"AFRICA SALON is an exciting celebration of African arts and culture through unique discussions, screenings, fashion shows, parties, and performances, featuring some of the most consequential artists from the continent and diaspora. This year’s salon highlights visual art, poetry, music, fashion, media, dance and cuisine. At a time when contemporary African art is drawing more eyes than ever, AFRICA SALON creates a space for audiences to intimately access and absorb the complexity of the contemporary African narrative. Africa Salon celebrates creative artistry that promotes modern African stories and cultural aesthetics. It aims to humanize and expose the richness, complexity, and beauty of contemporary African Arts and Culture. Artists featured in AFRICA SALON, including student talent, share a progressive approach to owning and telling African stories. Through literature, film, music, dance, and more, the SALON invites audiences to rethink their conceptions of the continent and diaspora–to watch, listen, and respond–and to celebrate the creation of these important narratives."