Host Tom Ficklin chats with Robert M. Goodrich Co-Founder R.A.C.C.E.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Lisa Nkonoki
Lisa Nkonoki has helped people from all walks of life from " Hollywood to the homeless " the affluent, the accomplished and aspirational have sought out her guidance and expertise.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Jesse Turner | Apr 2, 2018
Host Tom Ficklin discusses the "We Remember Rally- 50 Years After Dr. King's Death with Jesse Turner.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Sasha Turner | Mar 26, 2018
Associate Professor, History Quinnipiac University (On Sabbatical 2017-2018).The discuss the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Dr. Darin A. Latimore
Yale School of Medicine names first deputy dean for diversity, Dr. Darin A. Latimore of UC Davis.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Lori Martin | Food Rescue US - New Haven
Host Tom Ficklin speaks with Lori Martin, Site Direct of Food Rescue US - New Haven. To find more information go to
The Tom Ficklin Show | David Addams
Host Tom Ficklin speaks with David Addams, Executive Director, Graustein Memorial Fund.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Sasha Turner, PH.D | FEB 19, 2018
Host Tom Ficklin discusses Black History with Sasha Turner,Ph.D.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Robert Gibson, Educator
Host Tom Ficklin has a rich conversation about black history with Robert Gibson.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Nijija Ife Towee
Host Tom Ficklin talks to Education Advocate Nijija Ife Towee.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Sasha Turner
Host Tom Ficklin speaks with Sasha Turner, PhD, Associate Professor, History, Quinnipiac University and Author of "Contested Bodies: Pregnancy, Childrearing and Slavery in Jamaica."
The Tom Ficklin Show | Social Justice At SCSU
Host Tom Ficklin talks social justice with Joe Bertolino, President SCSU and Bahar Musa, Student SCSU.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Ratasha Smith, Founder of Black NHV
Host Tom Ficklin speaks with Ratasha Smith, Founder of Black NHV
The Tom Ficklin Show | Katurah Bryant, RN, LMFT, NADA-RT
Host Tom Ficklin talks with Katurah Bryant, RN, LMFT, NADA-RT.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Play2Prevent Life is about learning
Host Tom Ficklin Talks with representatives from Play2Prevent Lynn Fiellin, Kimberly Hieftje,Tyra Pendergras.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Joelle Fishman - News for the people
Host Tom Ficklin speaks with Joelle Fishman chair of the Connecticut Communist Party USA.
The Tom Ficklin Show | STD " Safe, Travels & Development"
Host Tom Ficklin has a brief call in conversation with Bishop John Selders; then, he takes a youthful outlook with his conversation with Sabir Askari Abdussabur & Ismail Abdussabur
The Tom Ficklin Show | David Canton
Host Tom Ficklin speaks with David Canton, Associate Professor of History, Director of the Africana Studies Program.
The Tom Ficklin Show | Muhammad Abdullah (10.2.17)
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of Yale’s Black Student Alliance, host Tom Ficklin talks with Muhammad Abdullah about his days at Yale in the late ‘60s, his involvement with the Alliance and the greater Yale political community during that tumultuous time, and how it shaped his life afterward.
The Tom Ficklin | Chemay Morales
Host Tom Ficklin speaks with Chemay, Founder of My Reflection Matters.